Here's an edited version of a mail I sent to Rick (i've taken out the stuff not relevant)
I was interested in finding out (discussing?) more about the ethos of the AFC. In the last but one show (I think) you mentioned the fact that there were some familiar names cropping up on the playlist.
I wondered if you felt that this was a problem ? This isn't a loaded question by the way. One of the things I thought was that the AFC was intended to be a showcase for the members of the AFC and that the AFC was in inclusive 'club' i.e. anyone could join. If that is the case then I don't think we (you) should be surprised that the same names crop up, as I guess with what ~100 members (I'm guessing) and 10 shows with ~12 songs on there is bound to be some overlap.
I'm fairly neutral on this, I can see that as a 'radio show' then playing the same people could potentially be detrimental (although different songs may not be so) but as a show case for the talent within the AFC pool, I don't think it's a bad thing.
I'm interested on your thoughts on this as you're driving it. Is this something we should discuss in the AFC forum ?
Anyway, it's always difficult to tell someones tone in an e-mail but this isn't meant to be upperty or abrupt or anything, I just wanted to hear your thoughts and give you some of mine.
So that's what I wrote, it's up for discussion. I have no agenda for this and Rick if you feel this is inappropriate then, delete this thread.